Search Results
Ddt Covers Us Town Aka D.D.T. Covers U.S. Town (1946)
DDT ;Good enough to eat! - 1946
DDT Spraying on children
U S Govenment Spraying DDT Insecticide on Children 1947 (Linked to "Polio")
DDT Insecticide Spraying Against Infantile Paralysis 221790-01 | Footage Farm
1946 DDT Spraying in San Antonio: Historic Fight Against Infantile Paralysis
DDT is Harmless to Humans 1946
DDT Weapon Against Disease1945 US Army
DDT 1944 US Navy
spraying DDT
DDT Use in 1946 Health Campaign Against Malaria in Kenya
Spraying DDT for Polio 05-27-1946